I've been thinking a lot lately about our jobs.
Our roles. Our Parts in His Play.
You want to know why
I think there are two roles? His and Other?
Of course you do! That's why you come to Momma every time.
What do you get out of Proxies, Agents and the like?
You get an enemy. An enemy you can hit, talk to, reason with. You have an objective. Kill This guy, kill this enemy. Once you've given up hope of beating HIM, you'll focus on the Proxies. You can beat these badguys.
Suddenly, you have hope. You beat this guy...maybe you can do more. Maybe its going to be you.
What do Proxies and their ilk get from this arrangement?
They get something to control. Proxies, Agents, they have no control they're scared, they have no hope.
But they can bring other saps down with them. Make them suffer as the Proxy suffers. They can't control their own lives but they can influence another. Suddenly, they have identity. I'm a villian. I'm bad.
And they get an end under some other saps heel.
But remember kids. Proxies ain't zombies. They're humans, like you or me.
specially me.
They cry, they miss their lives.
A wise man once said, when ya fight monsters, watch that you don't become one. When ya look into the abyss, it looks inta you.
Break too many faces with your heel, and someday you'll be the one being smashed.
I garuntee it.
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