Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And Time passed.

Even in a world where nothign can be counted on, even in a world with THAT time will always pass, slip away

Brian became obsessed with a plan of his own.

"If He is real,  shouldn't there be other creatures? All we'd have to do is make them fight, and we'd be forgotten."

Brian perched over his copy of The King In Yellow for hours. He claimed he bought it from a shop in Harlem but I was never quite sure. He had plans and withdrew from all of us from me. He slept alone, as did I

Rachael held back, and Maurice slowly filled the gaps like adhesive

Rachael could not resist him. Who could? He was a conqueror.

I fled, he followed and claimed

and one night

one night things were different. Brian was out, doing god knows what when Maurice returned. Maurice screamed and raged and grabbed and hit and

I described this once. I won't again. 

When I could, I got up, cleaned up, and waited for Brian.

 I guess I just never stopped waiting


I'm done telling the story. I won't speak any more of the past.


there is one last thing that needs to be said

one night, over a year ago, in the bar

Brian was ther

but he had forgotten me

and everything, was warped

it was better I decided, to let him live, and never know

I've shown him to you, once before.

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